Residents say "Fix our broken play parks!"
Liverpool has loads of amazing parks across the city but many of the play parks have be left to fall into despair by the Labour run Liverpool City Council.
Residents have spoken out about the poor state of equipment as well as the parks being untidy - full of litter and rubbish.
Liverpool Lib Dems have called for the the play parks to get a much needed facelift and revamp - with some of the equipment older than the parents of the children using it.
Sign the Lib Dem petition to improve our parks!
Let's make Liverpool's Our Parks Great Again
Labour have let our play park to rot and ruin - with rubbish and litter all over the place, and play equipment that's crumbling to bits. This is not good enough, our city's children deserve better. Back our campaign to fix the broken play equipment and give our play parks a much needed refresh!